Thank you for visiting with me in this space. I have created this platform as a way to share my journey as an artist, as well as demonstrations and upcoming events. I am grateful for your support and I hope you enjoy the small shop set up as well. Questions? Just ask! Looking forward to sharing creatively with you.

Multi-block Printing with Speedball
A 34 minute demo of how to print multiple relief plates to achieve colored layers.

Speedball Demo Artist Program
Learn about your local art supply stores and where to see local demonstrations and workshops

Creating “Girl in the Woods”
Here is a video detailing the process for one of my latest prints. It didn’t take me as long as I expected to, drawing out the design took a few days and carving took about a week. I had minimal editing to do after my first proof and I am pretty happy with it being a black and white, spooky, one-of-a-kind print!